Saturday, June 25, 2011

Revive, blog!

Though my blog entries are sporadic but no amount of words can describe how faithful God has been in my life.

I've come to a conclusion that I am a person that,
1) Loves organiser especially pretty ones but charts a few pages of agendas in the first few months and subsequently, neglects the whole thing altogether.
2) Wants to pen down things that go through my mind but the lazy bug is always there to stay.
3) Regrets not documenting my thoughts and then tries to remember what it is exactly but to no avail.

I woke up to a beautiful morning and started the day reading Vance Christie's biography of Hudson Taylor.

He is the pioneer missionary to China. His life overflowed with love for the gospel and the burden for the millions of lost souls in China. If you had read about his life, he learned the Chinese language and clad in Chinese dressings so as to assimilate with the Chinese. One thing that was eminent in Hudson Taylor was his prayer life. When he was left with his final bowl of porridge, when there was a need for more missionaries in China or during the times he lost his children and wife to various fatal diseases, he retreated to pray. He tenaciously clinged to God in times of trials, hardships and joy and finally, at the age of eighty, he died on his last visit to China. His tombstone read "A man in Christ."
At the end of the book, I teared at how faithful God is in Hudson Taylor's life. God had used this man and many others mightily so that the gospel can be made know to the Chinese. Praise God for His patience and compassion to us sinners! I am also deeply encouraged by Taylor's dependence on God's providence and promises.
On one occasion when Taylor read about some disparaging article with regards to him, he smiled to his friend and said, "This is very just criticism, for it is all true. I have often thought that God made me little in order that He might show what a great God He is."

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