Sunday, May 9, 2010


Realise that my blog is going to extinct soon. My last entry was 23 March and it's almost gonna be two months. Anyway right now, my contact time in school is a meagre 5 hours instead of 8 hours previously. One semester is coming to an end soon. Exams are just around the corner. Autumn is here and I'm starting to dread winter. Yes, I'm not a fan of cold.
I had my sister here in Perth for 5 days and it was great to have a piece of home with me. I brought her around Perth and it was great fun. The highlight of our little holiday is to this suburb called Rockingham. We took a ferry to the sea to see wild dolphins. They were really mild and playful creatures. Every time I go out into the sea, I will always marvel at God's creation. There must be a diverse and spectacular ecosystem underneath the waters.

Another creature that I find exceptionally adorable is the kangaroo! My Australian housemate was telling me that kangaroos are pests. They have to kill and eat them because they are feeding on too much leaves! When I saw and touched the kangaroos at Caversham Wildlife Park, I have concluded that 'Thou shalt not eat kangaroo meat".

With 2 bus cards, bag packs and some enthusiasm, we travelled to quite a number of places in Western Australia and hummed 'By The Boab Tree' wherever we go. Australia is indeed a beautiful place with flora and fauna to flaunt!

It's even more beautiful when you can share the wonder and beauty of this extraordinary land with someone you love.